Some more about me:

During my working life as a psychologist and psychotherapist, I had been sculpting in wood and stone as a good contrast to all the talking and mindwork. But when I reached the age of 60 I got serious about giving my life a turn and make the switch to spend the rest of my life creating. I was curious what would arise in the loneliness of my own atelier. 

A period of learning, experimenting with all kinds of materials and techniques followed. I started the training at the MKXtra-academy and after finishing I followed several courses, mostly online. 

The artists who have most influenced me belong mostly to the “abstract/landscape expressionists”. Especially the work of some of the modern English painters like Lewis Noble and David Mankin appeal to me. Working with layers of paint, scratching, making all kinds of marks, using all kinds of materials, sanding back again. The process itself has become my greatest joy.


2017 - 2020: MKXtra academy in Amsterdam

2018:  printing techniques at the Grafische Werkplaats Amsterdam

2020-2024: several online courses:

                     - Sketchbooking, Procreate en Mixed media Painting met Lewis 

                     - Translating Landscape, The Beauty of Composition, 7 Essentials, Creative Printmaking met Anita Lehmann

                     - workshop Seascapes by Lewis Noble, and joined his membership-group





31Oktober en 1 november 2020: exposition MKXtra-academie at Loods 6 Amsterdam

December 2020: exposition at WG Kunst Amsterdam (Kerstsale)

April 2021 tot 1 februari 2022: exposition at Galerie KunstHaar, Amsterdam

2 en 3 Oktober 2021: exposition at De VerbroederIJ (Open Ateliers Noord)

18 en 19 november 2023: exposition Open Ateliers Amsterdam Noord (OAN) at “de VerbroederIJ”

december 2024: membership KunstRuim, Amsterdam

Januari t/m maart 2025: exposition Huisartsenpraktijk Tuindorp Nieuwendam, amsterdam